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TuESday, July 2 (continued)
                 8:30-9:30 AM   Williford C Room                        10:00 – 11:00 AM   Williford A Room
            1918  Medical Assisting Education and                  1920   Spinal Cord Injuries
                CAAHEP Accreditation
                                                                 Presented by Solomon Goldenberg,
          Presented by Dr. Sarah Marino, PhD
                                                                 MBA, M.Sc. (Lon) FRCGP (Lon)
          This session will cover medical assisting
          programmatic accreditation with a focus                The session will cover anatomy of the
          on the Commission on Accreditation                     spinal cord, causes of injuries, diagnosis,
          for Allied Health Education Programs                   radiology and management. The attend-
          (CAAHEP) programmatic accreditation.                   ees  will  understand  the  injuries to  the
          The Medical Assisting Education Review                 spinal cord  and  the  various treatments
          Board (MAERB) is the Com mittee on                       available.
          Accreditation under CAAHEP that conducts the processes for    Medical Assisting Track
          medical assisting edu ca tion programs. CAAHEP, the largest ac-
          creditor for  allied health programs, provides specific Standards     10:00 – 11:00 AM   Williford B Room
          and Guidelines for medical assisting education programs as well     1921  Practical Solutions for Clinical Professional
          as a fully developed core curriculum. Programmatic accredita-
          tion demonstrates that a medical assisting program complies   Practice Sites
          with national standards in curricular and legal areas. The focus    Presented by Kathryn Webster; Deborah Johnson;
          in discussing accreditation will be on consumer protection,    Meridee VanDraska; and Dr. Beverly Barham
          academic integrity, and patient safety.
                                                                 Agreeing to host a student for a professional practice experience
          Leadership & Professional Development Track            is often a difficult decision for a lab manager or clinical educa-
                                                                 tor. Clinical laboratories are busy places due to additional testing
                9:30 – 10:00 AM   Normandie Lounge               workload and when staffing shortages occur. “Paying it forward”
                 Attendee Refreshment Break                      and helping to educate the next generation of laboratory pro-
                                                                 fessionals is a worthwhile goal for those in the clinical setting
          BREAKOUT SESSIONS                                      but many times the tasks required in addition to teaching the
                                                                 student at the bench, are just too cumbersome and time con-
                                                                 suming. This is a look at how one MLS program has streamlined
                 10:00 – 11:00 AM   Marquette Room               the experience for the clinical site, making the potential for a
            1919  Breakthrough Medical Technologies for          positive outcome very high. Areas discussed will include flexibil-
                Patients and Practitioners: Facilitating an      ity of scheduling students on site throughout the academic year,
                Ideal User Experience                            electronic evaluation forms, and a close line of communication
          Presented by Melissa Hanna                             with on campus instructors.
          Session will focus on how to make pa-                  Other Allied Professions Track
          tients and practitioners more comfortable
          around innovative and breakthrough                     1922    10:00 – 11:00 AM   Williford C Room
          medical technologies. This involves best                       Managing and Motivating Difficult Employees
          practices like more proactive involvement
          and in-clinic onboarding: providing them               Presented by Erin Nicol, LPN
          with active demonstrations in the clini-               Managers dread dealing with difficult em-
          cal setting rather than passively giving               ployees. Sometimes their first instinct is to
          the patient instructions on using new technology. For instance,   avoid these situations hoping they will go
          with patients, this could include introducing and demoing a   away. This only makes things worse. This
          glucose meter during the patient’s appointment, and asking   session will provide tips and tricks on how
          the   patient to engage with the meter, rather than providing   to bring out the best in your employees by
          the patient with a script to purchase one at the pharmacy. For   setting clear expectations from the start.
          practitioners, creating easy-to-use health record, billing and   Show your team that they have a choice.
          diagnostic technologies with clear instructions, on-demand    How will they react when times are tough? Start having those
          technical support, and regular retraining. The ultimate goal of   difficult conversations and see what a difference your clear and
          these tactics is to make healthcare more accessible to patients   honest feedback can make.
          and practitioners by helping them become more accustomed
          and amenable to new technology.                        Leadership & Professional Development Track
          Medical Assisting Track
                                                                 mEDIcAL ASSISTANT STUDENT
                                                                 cHALLENGE BOWL
                                                                 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM   Boulevard AB
                                                                 Come see student teams compete for the title of MA Bowl

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